Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

Nothing to worry

You can’t have me, you don’t even know my last name.
Being me. Being you...
You don’t know how hard to make it all right for you...
When you see the light, i see the dark.
God damt it, I wanna be you! feel free, nothing to worry...
Hey YOU!!... you dont even know, me...
I wish i can see what you see after all this time...
Nothing to worry, feel free...
I wish... yes, wish...


Sedikit saja 
Luangkan waktumu untukku 
Sendiri itu sepi 
Rasanya seperti menatap bayangan

anything's bestfriend...

Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Macaron vs Macaroon???

Sepertinya dessert emang lagi juaranya di dunia kuliner Indonesia saat ini, terutama sekitar bulan maret april. Sebut saja Red velvet cake sampai Rainbow cake. Gak ketinggalan kue imut berwarna-warni yang bikin saya penasaran sampe bikin status d facebook :P apalagi kalo bukan macaron!!!

Iseng-iseng googling, buka kaskus, ada thread tentang kue ini lho. Saya jadi malu sendiri gara2 salah nyebut dan salah kaprah tentang kue ini. di status saya ngetik gini 'Dear you, Suddenly mau makan macaroons red velvet deh... :)' saya tujukan buat si Dear Ipang. Hobi makan saya jadi menular ke dia, tiap ketemu pasti kulineran deh, hehe...

Rabu, 27 Juni 2012

You may not be her first, her last, or her only...

I was checked all my document, my paper and my work on my PC, and i found something interesting. This a Quote from BOB MARLEY, you all know him of course. And i am so amazed, someone like him, who singing songs, many songs, like, No Woman No Cry, Redemption Song, and many others, can make this Quote (he is a songwriter, what do you think kiki????). This is such a love letter i guess, i don't know. I just wanna share this to you. This is kind of sweet Quote, makes every girl in the world agree with him. And like i feel, you too will have a feeling like this and say 'DEAR GOD, I HOPE HE CAN READ THIS!!!!'


Selamat anda mendapatkan gratis telpon ke sesama ceesan dan komunitas selama 60 menit sampai jam 12 malam.

Wow!!!! kalo jaman DULU hepi banget dapet sms kaya gitu dari salah satu provider favorit. Asik! bisa telpon sejam sepuasnya sama pacar :).. uuuyeeeeeee.